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Fit Girl Nikki | Fit Life
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Fit Life

RECIPE: Stuffed Spaghetti Squash

Ingredients: Spaghetti Squash (I cooked 2 for 4 servings) Seasoning: Pepper, Salt, Oregano, Parsley, Paprika Stuffing: Onions, Peppers, Garlic, Spinach, Ground Beef, Spaghetti Sauce, Cheese (parmesean) 2-4 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil (feel free to switch up your seasonings and “stuffing” options!) Timing: Prep: 30 minutes Cook:…


VIDEO: Cooking With Nikki – Stuffed Acorn Squash

Ready for some fall/winter comfort food that wont throw you off track??? Press Play!   Ingredients: Acorn Squash (I cooked 6 for 12 servings) Seasoning: Pepper, Salt, Oregano, Parsley, Paprika Stuffing: Onions, Tomatoes, Zucchini, Rice, Chicken, Cheese (gruyere) 2-4 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil (feel free…


Lose Your Excuses

Hey Goal Diggers! Anyone who has ever started a diet or had a resolution to work out and lose weight or gain muscle has probably thought to themselves at one point or another this is too difficult, I can’t do this or this isn’t working….


RECIPE: Zucchini Boats

Here is a quick and simple but super yummy idea for lunch or dinner! What You’ll Need: Several Zucchini Pre-Cooked Chicken (I used leftover rotisserie chicken) Red Peppers Green Peppers Onions Tomatoes Fresh Mozzarella 2-3 TB Coconut Oil or Olive Oil   What to Do: Cut…



Looking for a low carb, low calorie, sweet treat?? Here you go!   Need: 3 Gelatin Packs (Unflavored) 1 Scoop BCAA 1/2 Cup Room Temperature Water Gummy Molds Process: Mix Scoop of BCAAs with 1/2 cup of water. Add 3 packs of gelatin and mix…


Muscle & Fitness HERS Feature

I am so happy to share my feature in this spring’s Muscles & Fitness HERS magazine! On stands now! Makeup: Jarel Arin – Photography: JaQuayan (Roller Skate Photo) – Chris Hayden (Competition Photo) –   Link to Online Article: “Setting goals is the first step…


Compound Exercises

What are compound exercises? The short answer: Compound exercises are movements that involve multiple muscles and joints. Regardless of your primary fitness goal (weight loss, muscle gain, performance etc), compound exercises should make up the majority of your workout. Isolation exercises (exercises that involve only…


Detoxify Yourself

I have often been asked for my opinion on juices cleanses, detoxes, colonics etc and I have always stated that I believe that striving for good nutrition everyday  is way better than a temporary fast, cleanse or detox program or procedure. 


LIVE Interview Tonight! Dec 16th 9PM EST

Hi All!   I have the pleasure of joining the hosts of the Renew Show tonight for a LIVE interview. I will be sharing my journey and answering your questions LIVE! I hope you are able to join me! I can’t wait!!   Tonight Dec…


Diversify Your Leg Routine

I posted this image on my InstaGram account (follow me) and thought I would share it here too!! It seems a lot of focus is placed on squats to build, shape and sculpt the legs and booty. Squats are great however there is more to…


After the Off Season: 5 Tips for Success

The other day I met with my coach to discuss the plan for the next few weeks. My off season is officially over! After my last competition in November 2013 the plan for “off season” was to put on more muscle in preparation for 2014…


Run Forrest… RUN!!

…I love that movie… (Forrest Gump) 🙂 Anyway, when I began my fitness journey in 2010, I started running, well, more like walking with seconds of running mixed in. My goal was to lose weight, eventually complete a 5K distance run and perhaps compete in…



In my last post “Against the Grain”, I spoke about the Paleolithic, Paleo, or Caveman Diet and why it makes sense to me. Essentially the Paleo diet is a clean eating approach that helps to remove guess-work on what you should or should not eat….


Against the Grain

An Overview of Eating Clean and the Paleolithic Diet aka Paleo or Caveman Diet (Disclaimer: I post this, not to state that one method is better or more correct than another however I primarily want to highlight how important it is to make thoughtful choices…


Goal Digger

Happy New Year!! Growing up (and still to this day), my mother always encouraged me to make plans and set goals. She says, successful people write things down. I attribute a lot of my success to being goal oriented and a planner. I was once…